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Not Your Mother's Author

Tina Moss is a writer of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense. She lives in NYC with a supportive husband and alpha corgi, though both males hog the bed and refuse to share the covers. When not writing, she enjoys reading, watching cheesy horror flicks, traveling, and karate. As a 5'1" Shotokan black belt, she firmly believes that fierce things come in small packages.

Currently reading

Healing the Hunter
K.C. Taylor
Daughter of Deception
Kara Thorpe
Winter Wonders (Anthology)
Alexandra Shostak, Anne Riley, Heather McCorkle, Christine Fonseca, Connie Keller, Elle Strauss, Harley May, Jamey Stegmaier, Jen Stayrook, Jodi Burrus, Judith Graves, Karen Amanda Hooper, Krissi Dallas, Mercedes Yardley, Natalie Cone, Regan Leigh, T.S. Tate, Yelena Casa
A Shot in the Dark
K.A. Stewart
Undead and Unwed - MaryJanice Davidson A book with a corgi--albeit a cameo part--and a small ninja (she defends Betsy so she qualifies) vampire named Tina and a scene in which they're trapped in The Pit, not a pit, THE Pit. It's like MJ looked into my dark dreams and spit it out on paper.

I saw MJ speak at a conference years ago and have adored her ever since. I knew if her writing was even half as clever and funny as her keynote speech, I'd be hooked. She does not disappoint.

Love, love this book! So fresh. So different. Betsy, our undead heroine, is a fashionista, ex-secretary gone dead. She's the quintessential modern woman with a lot of sass and a killer shoe collection. Fighting bad guys and taking the vampire crown was never her life--or death--dream, but she's handling it as best she can, while trying to maintain some normalcy in her new dead life. With human sidekicks like Marc and Jessica plus the little ninja vamp, Tina (yes, I'm rooting for her), she's ready to take on the challenge--sorta--of staking a claim for her right to live (die?) a regular life (death). Well, as soon as she sorts out the vocab. ;)